
At JPaks I have personally spent the last 15 years designing, cutting, stitching, racing, touring and perfecting the gear required to enhance your bikepacking experience.

It is driven by the love and passion I have for bike riding and bikepacking. It is my passion to produce the highest quality gear for myself and out of that JPaks was born.

That’s right, every single Pak that leaves the shop is personally touched by my two hands. JPaks is a one-man-band and I’m proud to offer a unique level of custom service as well as a quality product that looks amazing and functions even better.


Something I like to call, the JPaks difference.

That Difference is centered around the personal attention and love that goes into the handcrafting of every Pak that goes out the door.

Along with that is the customization, conversation and friendship that develops when we start the process of designing your Paks. Whether you’re local to the Denver area and are able to swing by the shop for a custom fitting, or you live outside the state, I’ll work with you to create a truly unique and one-off creation to call your own.

This intimate relationship I have with the products I make and the fact that I also rely on them for my own bikepacking racing and adventures means I know exactly where and how a Pak can fail and I know how important it is for those Paks not to fail.

From intricate templates and complex shapes, to fabric and thread combinations that make a Pak uniquely yours, I have personally spent thousands of hours hovering over a cutting table and behind the sewing machine to enhance your experience on the bike.

I practice what I preach and regularly abuse my own products to refine and define what makes something amazing. You’ll find me out on the trail throughout the year, riding, racing and exploring both here in the state and in Europe.

Bikepacking is what I love and making badass bikepacking gear is my passion and that love and passion is reflected in my designs.


Colorado Trail Race 2019

Finisher - 6 days 16hrs - 454 miles - 78k elev.


Colorado Trail Tours

Southbound 2016 - 13 days

Northbound 2017 - 11 days


Julian Bikepack Challenge BFL

2019 - 4 days - 300 miles - 27k elev.


Gunny LoopyLoop

2018 - 3 days - 192 miles - 28k elev. (original course)

2019 - 3 days - 192 miles - 28k elev. (revised course)

2020 - 3 days - 192 miles - 28K elev.