Footlong EXT SnakPak - 12"

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Footlong EXT SnakPak - 12"

from $119.99

The newest edition to the JPaks crew, the Footlong EXT expands on the Footlong legacy.

The original Footlong SnakPak is one of the most popular top tube bags on the market and after recieving multiple requests for just a ‘little’ more room over the years, the EXT version adds volume by vertically expanding the ‘curved’ shape (when viewed from the side) and gaining a bit more storage.

Utilizing the same lower, tapered footprint, the sides of the Footlong EXT are slightly taller than the orginial Footlong.

*see image below for size comparison*

-In stock ships within 7 days-

-Made to order ships within 7-14 days-

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Weight - 159 grams

Length - 12”

Height at front - 4”

Height at rear - 2”

Width at front - 3.25” tapering to 2” at the rear